How do I record a call?

If you do not have permanent call recording enabled on an extension, you can record a call by dialing *1 (star followed by 1) during the phone call. It's important that this combination is dialed after the voice call has started.

If you wish, you can also enable permanent call recording on an extension so that all calls to and from the extension will be recorded.
You can either ask our support to enable this feature for you, or you can do it yourself via the portal by following these instructions:
1) From the VoxSun phone system portal, click on "Extensions" on the side bar on the left.
2) In the extensions table, find the extension for which you want to enable permanent recording and click on the blue link with its name.
3) Click on the "Phone Terminal Setup" icon.
4) In the "Call Recording" section, click on the button right next to "All calls are recorded" and be sure to set the "Auto delete recordings after _ days" option to 7 days or less.
(Your VoxSun account comes with around 200 hours of free recording space, so it's important to ensure that old recordings are deleted with a rotation so that you don't run out of space and recordings stop.)
5) Click on "OK" to save the settings.